Case Converter Online - Convert Uppercase, Lowercase, Title case, Sentence Case, and Alternating Case

Welcome to our free online Case Converter tool! This utility helps you transform your text into various case formats with just a click. Whether you need uppercase for headlines, proper title case for publications, or sentence case for normal text, our tool has you covered.

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Words: 0

Case Types

  • UPPERCASE - All letters are capitalized
  • lowercase - All letters are in small case
  • Capitalize - First letter of each word is capitalized
  • Title Case - Proper title formatting with minor words in lowercase
  • Sentence case - First letter of each sentence is capitalized
  • AlTeRnAtInG cAsE - Letters alternate between upper and lowercase


Use Title Case for headlines, article titles, and book names.

Sentence case is best for normal paragraphs and general writing.

UPPERCASE is great for emphasis or headings.

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